(He returns the gummi block to them and they enter the Accessory Shop, seeing a small boy on the floor near the counter. Jiminy Cricket jumps onto Sora’s shoulder)
Jiminy: Well, well, as I live and breathe! If it isn’t Pinocchio!
(The cricket hops down to the boy and Sora is surprised to see that he is entirely made of wood)
Pinocchio (looking up): Oh. Hi, Jiminy.
Jiminy: What in the world are you doing down here?
Pinocchio (thinking): Um… Playing hide-and-seek.
(Jiminy starts pacing around)
Jiminy: I just don’t believe it. And here I was, up all night, just worried sick about you. Why of all the—
(He looks up at Pinocchio, shocked)
Jiminy: Pinocchio!
(Pinocchio stares at his nose, which has magically grown longer)
Jiminy (sternly): Pinocchio! Are you telling me the truth?
Pinocchio: Yes!
Jiminy: Then tell me, what is this?
(He points to an item on the floor beside them)
Pinocchio: It was a present.
Jiminy: No fibbing, now! You know you’re not supposed to tell lies. A lie only grows and grows, ‘til you get caught! Plain as the nose on your face!
Pinocchio: But if you want something, why wait? Why not just take it?
Jiminy: Oh, my! Who told you that? You need some advice from your conscience!
Pinocchio: That’s right! You’re my conscience, Jiminy! I’ll never tell lies as long as you’re around.
(Magic surrounds Pinocchio’s nose and it shrinks to its normal size)
Jiminy: You need to be good so you can become a real boy. You promised Geppetto you would be, right?
Pinocchio: Oh! Do you know where Father is?
Jiminy: He’s not with you?
Pinocchio: Jiminy, let’s go find Father!
Jiminy: Now, hold on! There are all sorts of dangers and temptations out there! I’ll go find Geppetto, so you just wait here. These fellows here will be helping me.
Sora: We will?
(Pinocchio stands up)
Jiminy: Well, shall we go, Sora?
Sora: You could’ve asked us first…
(The leave Traverse Town and fly the gummi ship to the next world. Traveling through space, they come upon a strange gray object ahead)
Donald: What is that?
Sora: Wow, it’s huge!
(It flies over them)
Goofy: It’s a giant whale!
Jiminy: It’s Monstro! He’s a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!
(It flies back around)
Donald: Whoa! Sora, get us out of here!
(It makes its way toward them, opening its enormous jaw, revealing a mouth full of teeth)
Sora: Too late! He’s going to swallow us!
(It overtakes the ship and Sora’s life flashes before his eyes. He remembers a day, 9 years ago, that he spent with Riku on the Destiny Islands. He walks down the stairs with Riku, his small hands folded behind his back)
Sora: It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes!
Riku: You sure you didn’t just hear it this time?
Sora: What difference does it make? There’s a huge monster in there, I tell you!
Riku: All right. Suppose there really is a monster… Think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?
Sora: No problem. Let’s do it!
(They walk to the entrance of the Secret Place)
Sora: Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?
Riku: Shh, quiet.
(Riku bends closer, listening over the sounds of the waterfall nearby)
Riku: We’ve gotta be careful.
(They enter slowly and the sounds of the waterfall drift away. They find nothing in the empty cave apart from a hole in the ceiling that air was pushing through)
Riku: See that? It was just the wind making that noise.
Sora: Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! Hold on! What’s that over there?
(He looks over to see a wooden part of the cave wall. Riku inspects it closely)
Riku: A window, or maybe a door? It won’t open.
Sora (looking around at the empty walls): Geez, is that really all that’s in here?
Riku: What do you expect in a boring place like this?
(Sora continues searching the cave)
Riku: Hey, Sora.
Sora (looking back at him): Hm?
Riku: When we grow up, let’s get off this island. We’ll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!
(Riku’s eyes grow wide with anticipation)
Sora: Sure. But isn’t there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor’s house? Did you hear?
(Sora exits the cave, with Riku following, and the scene turns back to the present, the sounds of the wind becoming the sounds from Monstro the whale, where Sora, Donald, and Goofy have been thrown from the ship inside its mouth. Sora lies on the ground, hearing a yell)
Donald: Knock it off!
(Sora shakes his head and stands up to meet Donald and Goofy. Goofy is covering his head with his shield again while Donald taps his foot on the damp floor)
Goofy: Hey, Sora. Are you okay?
Sora: What are you guys doing? Where are we, anyway?
(He looks around before an item comes flying from overhead. Sora dodges backward)
Sora: Whoa!
Goofy: Uh, ya know, I think that big ol’ whale Monstro just swallowed us. And for today’s weather: expect showers.
(Another item falls and hits Goofy’s shield)
Goofy: Heavy showers!
(Donald continues to look up at someone on a high ledge, searching through a treasure chest)
Donald: Hey! Who’s there?
(A wooden puppet looks down at them from the ledge)
Pinocchio: It’s me.
Donald: Oh, it’s just Pinocchio. …Pinocchio!?
(Jiminy jumps onto Sora’s shoulder)
Jiminy: Pinocchio?
(Pinocchio begins walking down the ledge away from them carrying a large gummi block)
Jiminy: Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on, everybody! After him! Quick!
(Pinocchio hops along the various wood piles scattered throughout Monstro’s enormous mouth. Sora, Donald, and Goofy makes their way over to a wooden boat where Pinocchio is talking to an old man)
????????: What have you got there, Pinocchio?
(Pinocchio sets the green block down on the deck)
Pinocchio: With this, we can get out of her, Father.
????????: Really? With this big block? You think so?
Sora: It’s true.
(They turn to see Sora, Donald, and Goofy climbing the edge of the ship)
Sora: So, how did you end up here, Pinocchio?
(They stand onto the deck)
????????: Oh, my. So the whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness.
Sora: Yeah, looks like it.
????????: My name is Geppetto. I’m Pinocchio’s father. When we got separated, I traveled all over, looking for him.
(Pinocchio is distracted by something behind him and he walks over the plank)
Geppetto: Thank goodness we’re together again.
(The puppet sees someone running further into the whale as Geppetto picks up the gummi block)
Geppetto: So, you seem to know Pinocchio quite well. I hope he was a good boy in my absence.
(He places the block near his bed as a goldfish swims in its bowl on the bedside table)
Geppetto: Well, we’ve all had quite a journey. Right, Pinocchio?
(He looks around for his son)
Geppetto: Pinocchio? I warned him not to wander off here. He can be a naughty boy. Even so, he’s very precious to me.
(Sora, Donald and Goofy go after Pinocchio, finding him hiding in an inner chamber)
Sora: What are you doing? Come on, let’s go back.
Goofy: You know, Geppetto’s awfully worried about you.
Sora (sternly): Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games!
(They start to turn away)
Riku: But, Sora, I thought you liked games.
(Sora whirls around to see Riku)
Riku: Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the Keyblade?
Sora: Riku! Wh-What are you doing here?
Riku: Just playing with Pinocchio.
Sora: You know what I mean! What about Kairi? Did you find her?
Riku: Maybe. Catch us and maybe I’ll tell you what I know.
Sora: Come on!
(Riku grabs Pinocchio’s hand and leads him further into Monstro. They search through the various maze-like innards of the whale, fighting numerous Heartless, though finding no trace of Riku or the puppet. Maleficent appears to Riku)
Maleficent: Why do you still care about that boy? He has all but deserted you for the Keyblade and his new companions, after all.
Riku: I don’t care about him. I was just messing with him a little.
Maleficent: Oh, really? Of course you were.
(She smiles)
Maleficent: Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it.
(She summons a corridor of darkness and walks into it)
Riku: Mind your own business.
(He stares at her as she leaves. Sora, Donald, and Goofy chase Pinocchio, who passes by Riku into the bowels of the beast)
Sora: Riku! What’s the matter with you? What are you thinking? Don’t you realize what you’re doing?
Riku: I was about to ask you the same thing, Sora. You only seem interested in running around and showing off that Keyblade these days. Do you even want to save Kairi?
Sora: I do.
(Pinocchio screams and they run into the Bowels. They find him trapped inside a large Parasite Cage Heartless. It swings its appendages when they enter, waiting for them to come near)
Riku: You up for this?
(Sora assumes a fighting stance)
Sora: No problem. Let’s do it!
Pinocchio: Get me out of here!
(Sora attacks the small head attached to its arms as it swings the arms wildly. Riku runs behind it to avoid them and strikes. Sora leaps at it, while Donald sends a Thunder spell, but it lifts an arm and Sora crashes into it, falling to the damp floor)
Pinocchio: Help! It’s scary in here!
(Sora attacks the bottom cage-like head of the Heartless where Pinocchio is trapped, but the beast will not budge. Its arms take out Goofy while Sora gives it an upward strike. It begins to wobble, grabbing the ceiling for balance, and spits out Pinocchio into a hole in the floor. Riku jumps in after him as the Heartless escapes. The water level in the mouth decreases as Sora, Donald, and Goofy land on the deck of Geppetto’s ship)
Geppetto: Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Please! Give me back my son!
(Riku is on a high ledge, holding Pinocchio under his arm)
Riku: Sorry, old man. I have some unfinished business with this puppet.
Geppetto: He’s no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!
Riku: He is unusual. Not many puppets have hearts. I’m not sure, but maybe he can help someone who’s lost theirs.
Sora: Wait a minute. Are you talking about Kairi?
Riku: What do you care about her?
(He walks toward Monstro’s throat. They go after him by climbing the piles of wood near the mouth. Sora finds another summon gem on top of one of them. They enter the throat and make their way to the stomach. Riku sets Pinocchio down on one of the platforms lining the walls as stomach acid pools on the floor)
Sora: Hey, let Pinocchio go, Riku.
(He turns to see them. Pinocchio sits, unmoving)
Riku: A puppet that’s lost its heart to the Heartless… Maybe it holds the key to helping Kairi. How about it, Sora? Let’s join forces to save her. We can do it, together.
(He starts walking toward Sora, who takes out the Keyblade)
Riku (stopping): What? You’d rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?
Sora: Heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience.
Riku: Conscience?
(Jiminy Cricket runs over to Pinocchio)
Sora: You might not hear it, but right now it’s loud and clear. And it’s telling me you’re on the wrong side!
Riku: Then you leave me no choice.
Jiminy: Pinocchio! Pinocchio!
Pinocchio (weakly): Jiminy… I’m not gonna make it.
(Suddenly, his nose grows)
Pinocchio: Oh! I guess I’m okay!
(Jiminy jumps happily. Sora looks over to Donald and Goofy. Riku thinks for a second before looking up suddenly as the Parasite Cage falls from a hole in the ceiling. Riku makes a quick exit through a corridor of darkness, leaving them alone with the Heartless. Pinocchio runs out of the stomach and the Parasite Cage picks itself up on its arms and swings itself at Sora and company. Donald yells and sends a Thunder spell at it, while Sora runs up to it and begins striking its body with the Keyblade. The Parasite Cage begins swinging its arms again, but Goofy slams his shield into them, causing the Heartless to reel back. The top head falls backwards, causing the cage to open. It lies there, unconscious, while Sora continues to deal damage to it. It straightens up and begins swinging its arms again, knocking out Donald. The Heartless places its arms into the stomach acid, sucking it up through its appendages, and blowing it out through its mouth. Sora falls in pain Goofy falls unconscious. While the Parasite Cage continues swinging its arms madly, Sora uses Cure on both Donald and Goofy and the three of them move in unison. With a few more strikes, it flies backwards, a glowing heart coming out of its cage- like mouth and floating away. It begins to fall over, splashing acid everywhere)
Donald: Run!
Sora: Riku! Riku, where are you?
(Riku has returned to his vessel, standing in the captain’s hold, talking to Maleficent)
Riku: So, Kairi’s like a lifeless puppet now?
Maleficent: Precisely.
(He stares at Kairi’s body, lying on the couch in front of him)
Riku: And her heart was…
Maleficent: Taken by the Heartless, no doubt.
(He whirls around, the desperation showing in his eyes)
Riku: Tell me! What can I do?
Maleficent: There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom. There, you will surely find a way to recover Kairi’s heart. Now, I’ll grant you a marvelous gift.
(She leans closer to him)
Maleficent: The power to control the Heartless.
(She raises her arms and green energy surrounds him. He takes it in, feeling its power, and turns to look at Kairi)
Riku: Soon, Kairi. Soon.
(Monstro, disrupted by all this agitation, sneezes everyone out. Sora, Donald, and Goofy are back in their gummi ship)
Goofy: I sure hope Pinocchio and Geppetto are okay.
Donald: Yeah, hopefully they landed safely somewhere.
Sora: Riku…
(They return to Traverse Town and travel to the First District, where they find Pinocchio and Geppetto in a new house)
Sora: Pinocchio?
Pinocchio: Hey, it’s Sora!
Geppetto: Well, hello, Sora!
Sora: How did you get here?
Geppetto: A man named Leon helped us. He even got us this house to live in. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay his kindness. Say, I hear you three are fighting the Heartless. I thought I might be able to help you, so I made this.
(He gives them a gummi ship blueprint)
Sora: For us?
Geppetto: But of course! Pinocchio and I can’t thank you enough! We’ll do anything we can to help you.
Pinocchio: I’m being good, even without Jiminy’s help.